After posting this on Instagram and Facebook, I decided that people really want to know more about my journey. I love how receptive and encouraging people are to my vulnerability. I truly believe happiness comes in life by being open, honest and completely revealed. I hope you enjoy my post and please feel free to leave a comment with any more questions you may have.
26 Things you Probably didn’t know about me!
- I was born 5 weeks early, weighing 3 lbs 12 ounces and spent a month in an incubator.
- I was beaten up a lot at school. My front teeth were knocked out 3 times and my nose was broken 3 times starting in kindergarten.
- I started working at 12.
- I was molested by my babysitter at 9. Then raped by 2 women who tied me down at 13.
- I was told daily that I was fat and ugly, I started purging my food at 15 and ended up bulimic for 12 years.
- I enlisted in the Marine Corps at 17 years old to run away.
- I almost lost both my legs on my 21st birthday while serving in Somalia.
- I spent 12 months in a wheelchair and had 5 surgeries. I was told I would lose my legs and NEVER walk again.
- I served as an active duty Marine for 12 years before being medically separated.
- I tied the world record for the highest box jump while in Afghanistan at 57 inches (I’m 67 inches).
- I was the honor graduate (that’s #1) at boot camp, combat training, and speciality training. All separate.
- I’ve had 8 friends kill themselves due to PTSD and not getting help (I witnessed 3 of these suicides in person).
- I have PTSD. I have a pit bull service dog that supports me.
- My dad died from metastatic brain and lung cancer.
- I paid off all of my father’s debt when he died (nearly $100K).
- The month prior to my dad’s diagnosis I found out my ex-wife was having an affair.
- I had no idea how to cook when I started my blog, I just started cooking, figuring out what worked and what didn’t.
- I worked three side jobs in the military and managed to save over $300k.
- My app called Caveman Feast was #1 best selling app on iTunes of over 1.3mm apps.
- My second Cookbook The Paleo Kitchen was printed and became a New York Times Best Seller for 22 consecutive weeks, reaching #4 in the world.
- My most famous recipe is my Paleo Banana Bread, but I talk about Bacon a lot.
- I love speaking about mindset and overcoming limiting beliefs.
- I’m launching a Podcast I’m super excited about!!
- I am most grateful for my amazing wife Lindsey and the incredible friends I choose to share my life with.
- My brother Steve has been a motivating force my entire life. I love you, Steve!
Leave me a comment with anymore questions you have. I would love to answer them!!
Thanks! It’s great to be redecnizog. Even us step-dads get some love and respect. Good job taking care of your man, though a #11 would have made his week.
What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man!
I just downloaded your Caveman Feast app after watching the Fed Up documentary and getting a huge wake up call on the bad shit I put in my body. I can’t wait to try all the amazing recipes! And props to you for speaking so candidly about your abuse. As someone who was also sexually abused and bullied in school, it led to a lot of self esteem issues which in turn led to eating disorders. Your story is an inspiration to me! It shows me there is a light at the end of the dark, bumpy tunnel.
Thank you for sharing. I have only been following you for a short amount of time, but have been amazed by all of your recipes and love watching you on facebook live. Congrats to you for not only overcoming all of those obstacles, but rising above!! Much love to you and your family.
thank you, it has been a very healing journey for me.
Dear George,
I love how open, honest and revealed you are. Congrats on becoming a Dad, added to your journey! I am currently doing Keto diet, and after being introduced to you via a live video you did with Drew Manning, and seeing your recipes, and banana bread…well I can’t help but wonder if one way of eating is better than another? Meaning what is your thought from switching from Keto to Paleo so that I can enjoy some of your recipies? By the way I have lost 49 pounds on Keto…and total combined weight lost -151 pounds…with easily another 180 to lose, and I’m 5’2 so it’s been quite the journey I’ve been on. Please advise on Keto Vs. Paleo and when will you and Drew be launching your keto platform that I heard you both talk about? Thank you!! I look forward to your response as I’m on the fence about jumping from 1 style of eating towards Paleo which I am NOT familiar with.
Hi Blanca, thank you becoming a dad has been both the best and scariest time of my life. I am the happiest I have ever been and my why just got stronger. The only way you know if paleo works for you is to just try it and see how you feel. There is no cookie cutter diet that fits everyone, it is about experimenting with different foods and seeing how they make you feel. Congrats on the weight loss and an incredible journey. As far as the keto program, just stay tuned, it will be out soon we don’t have a set date yet.
Wow, thanks so much for sharing. It can’t be easy to put out info like this in a public forum, and it shows how brave you are. Thank you for giving of your heart, to help folks like me find my bravery inside.
It is all of you that inspire me to keeep going and to keep creating so thank you
Wow, what an inspiration. I totally respect you and how you got through all of the things that you’ve been through. I pray that God will bless you and your family.
I love your recipes. I have had MS for 50 years. I have dealt with it. I have 6 children and 15 grandchildren. But lately I have had some inflammation in my stomach and have just not felt well. Changing my diet has made me feel so much better. Thanks for your help.
A friend told me about you and I’m so glad I started following you on facebook. You have overcome your past–major kudos to you!!
Glad to have you here and thank you!
I think you are fantastic. It has been so cool to see your life progress….your content, your marriage, and your expanding family. It makes me happy to see you looking and being happy. It is so great that you are willing to put all your stuff out there for us. Sharing your life story, your life lessons, and being so honest with us so that we can learn from you. I’m watching your 42 videos on YouTube right now. :-) BTW: My #1 favorite recipe is your Spicy Pineapple Chili. I make it for everyone and share the recipe with them. I make it about once a month during the winter months. I’ve put it out on my facebook pages and even did a “shout-out” blog post with it. Oh…and your wife is awesome too…I follow her on Instagram.
Hi you seem to use a crockpot/slow cooker a lot, I don’t have one could you do the recipes in conventional oven, if so what’s heat and how long, just made the banana bread, it was bostin! ?
GOD puts us through trials for a reason and he truly BLESSES in many ways. What am amazing story. You are so very appreciated. Thank you for your service.
Thank you so much Amy
George!! You are amazing!! I’ve been following you for a little while now. More so now that i found out you do livefeed. I love how you have nothing to hide. You just throw it all out there. Very inspiring. Keep up the amazing work!!
Thank you Katherine!
Hi George,
I listened to you last night on a podcast as a guest on The Model Health Show with Shawn Stevenson. You are an amazing man. You’ve had so many challenges in your life and you’ve turned them into positives. You are such a wonderful role model. Listening to you really resinated with me last night. I have struggled with food issues my whole life. I loved it when you said that food is neutral and what changes it is our thoughts and actions. I have never thought of it quite that way. Also, not to rely on your feelings but to commit to yourself and not to let your feelings get in the way of getting what you need done. You truly have a gift. You are able to transmit your thoughts and feelings in such a way that it affects people and gives them ways to think about themselves and food differently. Thank you for trusting us with your story. Thank you for being so open and honest. You are truly an inspiration to us all.
Thank you for listening and commenting
I do when I release a new book. Stay connected on the site to stay updated, I will keep you posted
Hello George,
Thanks so much for your honesty! I appreciate how brave you are. And I agree that being completely open and honest is the best way to live life, it feels good. I think you have a very strong spirit and your honesty helps a lot of people.
You don’t hear about men being raped as often, I don’t think it’s talked about as much. A loved one of mine was raped, also a male. Don’t know why I’m mentioning that, just saying you aren’t alone.
Our family eats a paleo diet so I look forward to checking out your cookbook.
All the best to you and your family!
Thank you
No question here. Just gratitude and appreciation for sharing your story. Thank you. You are truly amazing.
May your life be filled with much health, well being, fulfillment and happiness.
Can’t believe you went through all that and still came out a champ. That’s what champs and truly inspirational people are made of. Insn’t it. The ability to come out on top in the face of adversity. God, George any one of your problems could have killed me or may be not. Like you I would have found a way out. You inspire thousands through your life example. A true hero.
Thank you Jane
Wow! You are awesome and very brave.
My daughter has been diabetic since age 2, and she has suffered many more social and health issues. I’m sharing your story to inspire her. Thanks for your candid contribution.
Thank you
I just found your site, after deciding to give Paleo a try and searching for recipes. Of course, this was the first thing I read. I love your honesty and willingness to put all of your struggles out there! You’ve been through so much. I struggle with depression and anxiety, and just recently heard about the idea of mindset so look forward to reading/hearing about your thoughts about it while also making some great recipes. Your pit bull is adorable!
You know it helps other people when you share your struggles. Thank you!
Ah thank you Rebecca :) Thanks for visiting and I look forward to providing as much value as I can
Thank you George, for your honesty and your courage. It is life’s challenges that makes us you we were meant to be and you sure have faced many challenges! You are an inspirational, how you have overcome adversity and hardships and have truly succeeded! Love your recipes, especially the banana bread!
Angie, Ontario Canada
Thank you Angie
Listening to the interview with you on mindbodymusings podcast as I write this.. Respect! Your vulnerability and honesty is really inspiring and shows great strenght. Such a beautiful soul! Thank you so much for sharing :)
Thank you Elin
Thank you for your service George. You are still serving, providing so many people with such great insights and recipes. You are a true hero. People like you amaze me. I admire your strength and achievements! I’m so glad to hear you have found peace and happiness with a wonderful wife and dog and family. Such an inspiration! Keep on keeping on…:))
Thank you so much Brett.
Thank you for sharing your biography. I have great respect for you and you have inspired me to work even harder on recovering fully from my foot surgery last year and my issues of abuse. Take care and may your beautiful service dog be able to provide the help you need! You’re a truly great person.
Thank you Ina
Thanks for your vulnerability in sharing. I am so sorry you have experienced such hard things, especially at the hands of others. Thank you for your service. I wish you all the best as you continue your recovery and I pray one day you will feel free from PTSD. I imagine it is still very hard, but you seem to be thriving.
Thank you Rosalie
This post must have been so difficult to write, and I commend you for opening your heart and your world open to your readers. You never know who you’re going to help out by posting something like this. Stay strong, and thank you so much for your sacrifice for our country and for our freedom #hugsandbacon
Thank you for all of your help Amber
I just wanted to say that you have stirred up inspiration in me. I have been through so many of the same things. I am 44 and ex Army. I have only begun to deal with my issues out loud. Seeing you put it all out there so that you might find total healing has truly touched me. I have begun to share the things that keep me trapped (in a poisonous lifestyle) with trusted family and friends and it has not been easy. I commend you for facing it all “OUT LOUD”! Keep on keeping on!
George, thank you so much for sharing such intimate details about your life with all of us. You are such an inspiration and I’m sincerely glad to see that you’ve reached a point in your life where you’re happy and have achieved so much. Learning more about your story definitely puts things into perspective for me and I can only hope that I end up as fulfilled as you seem to be! PS: your pit bull is adorable :)
Thank you
Hi George, have you heard of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) therapy? I suffered PTSD from age 15 up until about age 33. I’m now 37. When I was 15, I was kept hostage in a house for nearly 3hrs and beaten up severely by two girls, and because I was so young it wasn’t until I was 33 that I even knew what had been wrong with me for so long. The EMDR therapy has been a permanent cure so I wanted to let you know in case you hadn’t heard of it. I have had challenges since then, learning how to get back into the world, but things are much better now :) Warm regards, Denise.
I have been doing EMDR for 6 months, thanks for sharing :) It is a lifesaver
:) all the best, and thanks for the great recipes!
I, first of all, want to say that you have overcome so much and are an amazing person. That is so much bad and negative that you have seen and experienced and it takes a very strong person to have not only gone through all of that, but to have succeeded. I know that you have touched and inspired so many people’s lives, myself included.
Secondly, I have possibly a weird question, but did you happen to see a physical therapist after your injuries/surgeries? I am almost done with my second year of PT school and I am hoping to work for the military. I was just curious of your experiences and if you had any advice for me. Again, thank you so much for sharing. Have a wonderful day. God Bless You!
I did see one for 2 years
You are pure inspiration. There is nothing for the rest of us to use as excuses. Live Dreams and Believe in the best.
Hugs, love and gratitude for you!
Thank you so much
Thank you for sharing, you have no idea the impact that you’ve had on so many people. Please know that you saved a mans life today.
Thank you Terrence, that just made me cry
You know I make a lot of your recipes, and aside from that… I think so much of you for sharing these 25 things about yourself! That took a lot of courage! I am so happy you are in the place you are today!! Blessings to you and your family!!
Thank you so much for encouraging and supporting me
There were a couple of those things I knew – like the bulimia and the bacon… but what a story! I can’t believe you survived the things that happened to you, nor can I ever understand what motivated people to treat you as they did. Thank you for being vulnerable. Maybe it will inspire someone else to take that first step on their own road to discovery or recovery! You’ve reminded me how lucky I am in my life. Thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to encourage and support me.
You represent everything that’s good in the world. The horrible circumstances that you’ve had to endure – yet your spirit wins! This world does everything it can to break our hearts and spirits but sharing our stories with each other just brings out love and support and the goodness just goes on and on. Congratulations for loving yourself enough to beat the odds – and for sharing this story. You will be prayed for in our house today! Many, many blessings Marine! And thank you for serving and protecting me and my family. BIG HUGS AND HIGH FIVES from Atlanta :)
Thank you Stephanie for all your encouraging words :) Have an amazing day
Thank you for sharing your most intimate details of your life! You are courageous, inspirational, and will achieve great things!
Thank you for your service to this great country, and a May God Bless You! OORAH
Love the Banana Bread!
Thank you Patty
Lots of love to you. I had to give my George an extra hug after reading your story. He spent 10 years in the Marines and also has PTSD.
You are an inspiration.
God Bless you and your family. My Brittany Spaniel is our wonder dog. Miss Katy is a blessing to our family.
Have a great week. Keep the great posts coming.
Thank you for your comments and encouragement
I’m so thankful that you shared. I know it was probably very difficult, and to be honest some of those bulletpoints were difficult to read! You are proof that life is about the journey and overcoming obstacles on the road toward fulfillment. Keep doing what you’re doing and inspiring others to pick up and keep going even when it’s tough!
Also, love your recipes and use them often!
Thank you Karen for loving my recipes and leaving a comment. I appreciate the encouragement.
I am in awe of you & your ability to share. I was also abused at a young age by several men and am still so ashamed. Maybe one day I will be as brave as you are …… Thank you for sharing your story…..
Thank you for commenting Lisa :)
I’m a huge fan. I have your banana bread muffins on my counter, a loved copy of The Paleo Kitchen, but most of all, I have your video “How to be Happy – The One Secret” permanently open on my computer and I watch it whenever I need the reminder.
I have MS and am raising two young kids. It’s easy to get hopeless and forlorn, but every time I watch that video it brings me back to a healthy place of gratitude. So thank you. And thank you for sharing your own personal battles and triumphs. :)
Thank you so much for sharing, I have been sitting here deciding if I should record more videos, this just answered yes for me
That was the most humbling, inspirational, motivating and badass post I’ve read online or from a book in a long time. Almost as good as your Banana Bread recipe or bacon. Haha. J/k. Great job dude.
Thanks Luke
wow, makes me a real slacker!! YOU are amazing!
Not a slacker at all, thank you for encouraging me
George- you are so incredibly inspiring! I have struggled with eating disorders myself and often treat veterans with PTSD at work, so I know first hand how challenging these are. The struggles you have overcome are amazing, and it takes an incredible amount of courage to admit this to the world. Keep it up and know that so many people are rooting for you <3
Thank you Kristina. And thank you for treating vets
Somewhere along the thread you mentioned that you’d like to know how to help people like us. I’m on your ship, slightly different circumstances and I married the military guy. You did exactly what many of us need, opened yourself up. Sometimes the most amazing things are simply someone saying “hey, I am here and understand”. On the flip, for me being able to openly state what went on in my life has been helpful. I hope opening yourself up helps you gain more peace and helps cleanse some of the negative feelings that sneak up in the middle of the night. I hope that your words continue to help heal others. And, I wish you and your family a very happy Easter!
Thank you Sacha
You never fail to inspire me. I knew some of these things already, and admire your strength, perseverance, and the fact that you still have so much love for others, despite the pain that many have caused you. It takes a strong person to not become bitter and angry, but to pull themselves up and give love freely to others. Reading this list hurt my heart for you, especially having been through a number of those same struggles. But good for you, for using those terrible experiences to push you towards all the amazing experiences :) {{HUGS}}
Thank you Tanya
What a brave man you are and an inspiration to all those who have been hurt by life and those around them. If you can do overcome all those odds, so can we all.
Thank you for sharing. I salute you.
Thank you for commenting Liz.
Oh my goodness. You have persevered through some horrendous circumstances. Thank you for sharing and being so transparent and also for encouraging people and helping people move forward.What a blessing you are doing so well now!
Thank you Jenn
Thank you for your service and for sharing your journey. I admire your honesty, openness, and perseverance in all life has thrown you. You’re an inspiration for so many people who’ll never meet you except online (especially me). Thank you. So happy you and Lindsay/BodyHotty found each other to lean on and grow old together.
Thank you Elizabeth. Lindsey and I were meant for each other, it is amazing how that works. Thanks for the encouragement
What an amazing person you are to share such personal things and to overcome them all and put yourself out there to help others do the same! I am truly in awe!!
Thank you Shannon, I appreciate the support :)
As a Registered Nurse who has PTSD I’ve been in a position to have people confide in me, seen what others have experienced, and/or the means by which they have dealt with these experiences.
I’ve learned that there is no answer to the question “Why me?” (Why not me?) and nothing to be gained by tormenting myself by asking.
I truly honor the way in which you have dealt, and continue to deal with your life challenges.
Your sharing and allowing others into your struggles may very well be the bravest thing anyone has ever done. Your quest to grow spiritually, emotionally and physically while shared so openly leaves a trail for those who wish a map while following their own life’s path.
Thank you. …. And let’s toast to bacon!, Carol
Thank you so much for opening up Carol. I appreciate your vulnerability and what you do. As someone who suffers with PTSD as well, do you think there is something I should create or focus on to help others on their spiritual, emotional and physical journey?
Dear George… From what I’ve learned there are as many degrees of severity of PTSD as their are reasons for it. I think that’s why it’s so hard to treat. There is no one answer.
What I experience when reading what you share is honesty, vulnerability, genuine caring and someone who is trying to do their level best to overcome some horrendous challenges. What I offer is that you continue to do what you know so well how to do and are doing so successfully. People will take from it what they need when they are willing to hear it.
Thank you for caring enough to worry about others’ well being… Sincerely, Carol
Thank you
Wow George, truly amazing! Praying for you and your new family. It was hard reading all that you have been through, but I know those experiences turned you into the strong man you are today.
I am grateful that they all happened, I have so many tools to use in life now.
Wow! Words fail me! Wow! Thank you for sharing this really touched my heart! I admire you for coming out on top besides all of your circumstances!
Thank you Elizeth for reading and commenting, I am glad it touched you
I really admire you. Thanks for posting this. It touched my heart and inspired me.
Thank you for reading Valerie
You are one of three “Paleo people” I follow religiously and I have such great admiration for your struggles, both past and daily. I want you to know that you are one of my greater inspirations in this journey to reclaim my health and my body. Huge giant hugs!!
Ah that just made my day Micki, thank you so much.
It always breaks my heart to hear people’s story of child abuse. I commend you for your strength. Thank you for choosing not to remain a victim and doing great things with your life, and helping others along the way.
Thank you Wandy
There truly are not enough ways to say Thank you. You have opened up your life, the good and the bad, for all of us to see. I so appreciate you for being strong enough to endure these painful memories and use them to not only better yourself but to enrich the lives of others. Cheers to you and your beautiful life and adventures to come.
Thank you Noel for all of your encouraging words.
Thank you so much for your brave, courageous share. I know it took tremendous faith to post it, please know how deeply your selflessness is appreciated. Very inspiring
Thank you Laura, my hopes are that it helps at least one person
Thank you so much for sharing. You have endured more than most and more than anyone should have to but your strength in over coming and sharing honestly helps me and I am sure many others that I (we) can over come and not let the hurt/heartaches/betrayals/circumstances hold me (us) back but to become better because/through/despite of it all! Thank you!
Thank you for commenting and encouraging me!!
I’m speechless. Thank you for sharing your story that was very brave. Your friends and family are just as fortunate as you are.
Thank you Jillian, we are lucky to have each other :)
I had tears in my eyes reading this… that is more than one person should have to deal with. I think your picture should be next to the phrase ‘pulling yourself out by your bootstraps’ in every dictionary. You are one amazing human being. Thank you for your service and for all you do for the Paleo community.
P.S. I love that look of worry and concern on your dog’s face – too cute!
Thank you Magda. She is always cute.
I am truly in awe by your strength and resilience. I’m also so glad that you shared. Because I think you’re going to find that there are so many people that have gone through hell and back. You are not alone in your struggles. Can’t wait to hear your podcast!
Thank you Lucy for being encouraging and leaving a comment.
First of all..thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service to our country. My Dad is 88 years old and works 3 days a week helping vets get the benefits they are owed. Secondly you are such an inspiration. I believe God puts people and events in our path for a reason. And finally, extra love to your nagnificent service dog. What a blessing for you. Take care and God continue to bless you.
Thank you Cathi and thank your dad for me too.
God is good! I am so grateful for you sharing about your life struggles and accomplishments! You are a wonderful inspiration to myself and others. Some times we have to crawl through the jungles of life so that we can teach others how to survive. You are an awesome teacher and I thank you! May you and your family be blessed!
Thank you Melinda for being so encouraging and taking the time to comment.
George, thank you for sharing your journey and showing us that it’s possible to come out on the other side. I’m 63 years old, was molested from the time I was 3 years old until my early teens by a family “friend” and raped twice. I’m still addressing the issues these experiences caused. I’m working on my health and gradually making dietary changes for the better. You inspire me and give me hope!
(My son is returning from his 3rd deployment this month. You guys give so much for our freedom and I will be eternally grateful!)
Thank you for being so open and vulnerable. Keep up the great work
Thanks for sharing. I can only imagine all the emotions you had when you pressed that post button (as you said), but just think of all the good and thought provoking emotions you stirred in people who read it! You’ve inspired many…your post was a gift! Thank you!! God bless you and your family :-)
Than you for all of the support Christa
As a recovering anorexic and bulemic and a therapist that works with male sexual abuse victims, I couldn’t keep my “THANK YOU” to myself. Your transparency and immense bravery will change lives. Thank you for being the courageous face of shattered stereotypes. You’re amazing.
Thank you Ekm for taking the time to comment. Please feel free to share with anyone you want.
Thank you so much for sharing this! You’re an inspiration, and as everyone else has already said, a model of resilience. Also, I have yet to be disappointed by a recipe in “The Paleo Kitchen”, so I think you’ve done a great job at teaching yourself how to cook!
Thank you Austin, that makes me happy. What is your favorite recipe?
Thank you for sharing. This is a great example of enduring thru life’s trials and finding hope, I know this article will give many encouragement, and strength. Blessing prayed for you as you go thru this exciting time of your life, with much hope and anticipation to what lies ahead. P.S. A huge thank you for serving our country!
Thank you Valerie
So glad you shared. You are an inspiration! My husband is a disabled veteran (20 years Air Force). I’m going to have him read your story. I pray he finds hope in it. He also suffers from PTSD in addition to tons of other service related illnesses. He’s having trouble getting back on his feet. Thanks again!!
Donna thank you for sharing. If it helps him at all, I am 90% disabled with PTSD, TBI, CRPS, Can’t feel my legs, have migraines every day etc. It is all a choice on how to view the world :) Have him look into EMDR for PTSD, saved my life
Hey George,
I am a sorta new reader from the old world (Mid-Europe) and this is the first time I am piping up. Usually, I hardly comment on anything people write (cuz I am a lazy bum). However, I felt compelled to throw in my 5 cents:
1) Thank you for serving! I am not a US citizen, but I do recognize the service that US troops and soldiers are doing all over the world.
2) I wasn’t expecting anything particular when I opened your post, but I certainly wasn’t expecting ANY of the 25 things you revealed. It is quite a lot to stomach and in all honesty – it hit me like a ton of bricks. I am shocked that people all over the world have to go through any kind of physical, mental or emotional abuse. Thinking about it, most people have been abused or harassed on some level in their lives. But you George, seemed to have gotten a whole crap load of it. I do have the outmost respect for you, Sir! You are not only very brave to openly publish this, you are – despite it all- very successful! You excelled in your health, physical appearance (though I think you looked already cute when you weight a more), personal life and career! WOW! You have all rights to be proud of yourself, you are such an inspiration.
3)I listen a lot of US podcast speaking about US military issues and it really makes me livid that US veterans are being treated like “disposable staff” as soon as they leave the service. In Europe this is unthinkable! A soldier deserves all the medical and psychological treatment that is necessary. Especially if they have been in combat! It’s a shame how the US government treats them… but ok that’s a whole other topic in itself. I listen to Coast2Coast AM a lot (the talkmaster has also been in the Marine for 9 years or so) and they do support veterans a lot.
Wow, i think this has been the longest comment I have ever written in my life, hahah :)
You have a great Easter holiday, George!
Miss Kay
Thank you so much for sharing and encouraging me. I appreciate your long comment
Congratulations on being very successful in life. Way to overcome obstacles in your life! Good job to you!
Thank you Denise!!
Hi George,
There is so much to say after reading a text like this one, but so hard to know where to start or how to put it.
Most of all I want to say I hope you allow yourself to realize what a truly unique and great man you are!
I admire how you seem to be able to look at the world through your heart, and how you always strive to make the world a better place (and trust me, you do make it a better place). I also know that a lot of people who so actively care for others often tend to “forget” themselves, or makes their own importance smaller to themselves than it should be.
That’s why I say I hope you allow yourself see it too, because you truly deserve to know the positive impact you have on people all over the world.
I have the deepest respect for you George. For the man and the role model you are. For the brave and unselfish honesty in which you share your life experiences, and for how you keep reminding us through your actions that we all can help making this world a better place.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Best Regards
Peter (Sweden)
Peter, these words made me tear up. Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge me and look out for me. You are awesome
Thank you for opening up to us. I adored you and respected you; now so, even more. You are very much loved and respected.
Thank you Andrina
High five. I’ll second Michelle & say this does make me like you even more. Hardships can produce spectacular people. Deepest thanks and gratitude for serving our country and helping ensure all my children’s future safety. It’s a sacrifice not just of time and physical energy, but of mental capacity and, for that, we’re forever indebted. And congrats on the app success and your engagement!!
Thank you Mary
Thank you for sharing your story and for your service. The things you have overcome can now be an inspiration to many. I’m proud to say my son has been in the Marines just over one year and I’m forwarding your story to him. Thanks again. Next stop is buying your book.
Thank you Tracy, and thank him for his service
Just wanted to say thanks for all the work you put in! Also your paleo banana bread really has changed our lives! It has become a staple in our house. We make it into muffins with enjoy life choco chips!! I make it so much I have it memorized. Thanks again!
I am so glad you guys love it :) And thank you for reading
You are an amazing example of strength and resiliency. I work with at risk youth and hear painful stories like yours often. Unfortunately, it is difficult for many to see a future beyond their difficult past. Your story is so inspiring, it makes me want to share it with my students. I am also so intrigued by your service dog. Can you share a little about how your dog is able to help you?
Deanna, PLEASE SHARE with your students, I would love that. My pitbull stops me from having panic attacks and wakes me up from nightmares
I love the dog too =) Super awesome. I have a pit also, my second one and for sure they are intuitive and will take the dint of your emotion on them. Good luck and we as a society we thank you.
Thank you Nicoleta
Guess this means in have to step it up…
Handshake, pat on the back, firm hug, kiss on the cheeck.
From me to you.
Thank you Sharon :)
Thanks for sharing, I like you even more after knowing all of this, you ROCK! :)
Haha thank you :)