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Paleo Banana Bread Chocolate Truffles

George Bryant
4.75 from 12 votes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Servings 10


Paleo Banana Bread

Cashew Butter

Paleo Cream Cheese


Paleo Banana Bread

  • Make THIS RECIPE and then come back for these instructions

Cashew Butter

  • In a food processor add your cup of cashews and puree for about 10 minutes or so until you get a doughy consistency
  • You will have to scrape down the sides a few times
  • Then with your food processor on, drizzle the coconut oil through the top until thoroughly combined and you have a creamy nut butter texture
  • This is the cashew butter you will use in this recipe for the Paleo Cream Cheese below unless you bought cashew butter

Paleo Cream Cheese

  • In a food processor combine all of your ingredients and puree until smooth


  • Using a double boiler melt down the Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chips until smooth


  • Trim off the edges of the banana bread and eat them as a mid cooking snack. You know you want to. Then put the loaf in a large mixing bowl and crumble with your hands or a fork until finely ground into small pieces.
  • Fold the Paleo Cream Cheese into your Banana Bread crumbles and mix until well combined.
  • Take a bit of the banana bread cream cheese mixture and roll it your hands to make even sized little truffle balls about an inch in diameter. Then place them on the parchment paper lined baking sheet. My batch made 50.
  • Refrigerate for an hour.
  • Use a spoon to dip chilled banana bread balls into the melted chocolate. Use the spoon to roll the ball around until it's completely covered in chocolate. Then place gently back on the parchment paper.
  • Gently grate a few shavings of the 85% cacao dark chocolate onto the top of the truffle while it's still wet.When you've finished place back in the fridge to let the chocolate harden.
  • Keep refrigerated and enjoy