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Lemon Poppy Seed Cake Pops

George Bryant
5 from 7 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Total Time 22 minutes
Servings 21


Lemon Poppy Seed Cake Pops


  • 1 cup coconut cream concentrate melted


Lemon Poppy Seed Cake Pops

  • Plugin your cake pop maker or donut hole maker, and let it preheat.
  • Sift dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl and stir with a whisk in order to combine.
  • Place oil and honey in the bowl of a food processor and process for 2 minutes.
  • Add eggs, one at a time, mixing after each addition.
  • Add coconut milk, lemon extract, and lemon zest. Continue to process until well combined.
  • Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the wet ingredients. Thoroughly combine using a wooden spoon until smooth
  • Add in your poppy seeds and mix by hand
  • To make process easier, transfer your batter to a 1 gallon ziploc bag and cut off a small corner to replicate a piping bag
  • Squeeze the bag and overfill each well of the cake pop maker by using the piping bag
  • Close the lid and let the pops cook for 8 minutes
  • After 8 minutes, open the lid and turn the cake pops over, close the lid and cook for an additional 4 minutes
  • Remove from the cake pops from the maker, and place on a plate to cool
  • Repeat these steps until you are out of batter


  • You can eat the cake pops now as donut holes and drizzle your melted coconut cream over them or you can place a cake pop stick in them and eat like that.
  • I prefer to put a glaze on mine which takes some time but is well worth it
  • Once your cake pops are cool, dip the end of your stick into your melted coconut cream and then place in the center of your cake pop
  • Once all of your cake pops have sticks, place them all in the freezer for 60-90 minutes so cool completely and harden
  • Remove them from the freezer and one by one, dip each cake pop in your melted coconut cream letting the excess drip off.
  • You can hold it in your hand while the coconut cream hardens to a shell and then place back on your plate
  • Do this with all your cake pops and once they shell is hard you are ready to serve
  • I actually coat mine three times to make it a solid white and resemble a hard candy shell
  • You can store these in the refrigerator or at room temperature if that is below 76 degrees :)


I got 21 Cake pops using the Donut Hole maker, you will get double if you use a traditional cake pop maker