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Chocolate Cake Pops

George Bryant
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 8 minutes
Total Time 18 minutes
Servings 8


Cake pops

Vanilla glaze


Cake pops

  • Plug in and preheat your cake pop maker
  • Place a small sauce pan over low heat and melt your chocolate and coconut milk together (only keep the heat on long enough to melt them together)
  • While melting, place your 2 eggs in a stand mixer with the whisk, or use a hand mixer with the whisk and beat your eggs until they are fluffy, about 1 minute
  • Add your coconut milk and chocolate to your eggs and mix well
  • Stir in your almond flour, sea salt, vanilla extract and baking powder
  • Mix well ensuring everything is combined
  • If using a cake pop maker, you need to pour all of your batter in a piping bag or large ziploc bag with a small corner trimmed off after filling
  • Pipe your batter into the wells of your cake pop maker ensuring you fill higher than the halfway point
  • Close the lid and let cook for 5 minutes, open the lid and turn your cake pops over
  • Close the lid and let cook for 2 more minutes
  • Remove from the cake pop maker, gently insert the sticks and place everything in the freezer for 30-45 minutes

Vanilla Glaze

  • Combine your coconut butter, honey, and vanilla extract in a small glass to make it easy to dip
  • You can keep this glass in hot water to keep the glaze more liquidy to make the dipping easier

Chocolate Glaze

  • Melt your chocolate chips over a double boiler and keep the heat low and them liquid


  • Now it's time to dip your cake pops in your glaze. If you are going to do vanilla and chocolate, you are going to have to freeze them in between dips to keep the first coating solid
  • Remove your cake pops from the freezer, and one at a time dip them in your vanilla glaze and spin it around so all the excess drops back in the glass
  • You should see it harden in 15-20 seconds in front of you, then dip it back in for another round of glaze
  • You can place them in an egg carton flipped upside down or lay back down on a plate or parchment paper if they don't need to be so pretty
  • You can now dip some others in chocolate, drizzle chocolate on them and garnish with your maple sugar
  • I like to keep my cake pops in the refrigerator until serving


I used a cake pop maker for these. If you are doing them in the oven, you will need to adjust cooking time to match your method.